Monday, December 7, 2009

Tiring yet interesting day

Tiring yet interesting day.

Woke up early and prepared! Konon-konon ada temuduga terbuka at Central Market. Sebenarnye ada orang yang suruh. Disebabkan tak pernah pergi open interview, so kitorang pun pergi la just for the sake of experiencing the open interview and orang yang suruh.

So, went there with Dhiya at 2pm. Turun je dari kereta terus tersentap. Please do imagine these... ada four booth at each side of the building (outside ye..bukan inside). There's a stage with PA system at the left side of the building. Kedengaran lagu-lagu yang sangat rancak di tengah panas matahari terik. So my friend and i walked towards each of the booth. Suddenly this one guy approached.. "Akak cari kerja ke? Fresh grad ke? Course ape? Kita nak offer keje kat sini..". We told him our qualifications then we asked about the job they are offering. "Kita offer training sebagai Customer Service Call Center Executive". "Ouh.. takpelah".. so we left. NOT INTERESTED!! Then we walked to the other side's booth. Huhh..lagi lah. "KREW McDonald. RM7 sejam". OMG! Biar betul. We both laughed like we saw a clown standing making jokes.

Unfortunately, tak terfikir pulak nak take a picture so that you all can picture the situation. I swear i will never ever go to Open Interview again. Saya tertipu!!

Long day! Sangat penat so, balik rumah tertido atas kerusi je. Then, my friends call ajak lepak makan. Their treat because they promise to treat a dinner during my birthday hari tu. Huh.. NZ je. Menu harian... char kuey tiaw and tauhu bakar (great combination...yet keep on thinking bila la nak boring dgn menu harian ni). Dah lama jugak tak jumpa these guys. So, banyak la cerita yang terkeluar.

Tiba-tiba je sedih sebab this friend of mine, he told us his heart-broken story that happened to him in the past 2 months.

He met a girl that he thought is his soul mate. He thought she is the right person. They planned to get married. Dah beli barang hantaran, dah pegi kursus kahwin. Things went well until the day he thought it's time to discuss on the akad date. What happened next, i don't know. Hari khamis next week baru sambung..(tunggguuuu...). But the point is.. he's heart-broken. He's so much in love and suddenly it's ended just a snap! "Dah takde jodoh la, Ja. Nak buat macam mane" he said. I make jokes of him very often...each time when we met. But today.. I think it's kinda rude to make a joke on that.

I was touched by his story. He is a nice person. I knew them very well since 10 years ago. This two guys are my best boy-friends. Good companion. Besides my dwarfs friends and Umie.. i have them.

Sebelum balik.. tiba-tiba dia cakap."sebelum ko balik, aku nak cakap.... kau pasti ke dengan apa yang kau buat sekarang?". I was stunt! Unspoken. Like i've been slapped right on my forehead. Something that i should think about today. But it is too scary. This is not the time to think about something like that. Even that i have to.

Tiring yet interesting day.