Monday, December 21, 2009

Pasal tarikh pun boleh bergaduh..

Have a long chat with my tut tutttt...(boipren kot..) about planning for our so called semi big day. Baru bincang tarikh dah rasa macam nak bergaduh. Tapi tu la orang kata, berkat kesabaran itu kunci kebahagiaan (cheewaah).

Macam mana boleh nak tercerita? Sebab mendapat nasihat dan observation. A friend booked a make-up artist at least 4 months before the event. Nakkan kepastian I read la satu blog make up artist ni. Mujur pun dia letak schedule dia. Mak aiihh... awal nye diorang book si make up artist ni. Majlis bulan Jun 2010, bulan nih dah booked dah. Gila awal...(dah rasa cam nak gila dah). Takkan se-awal tu nak kene book?

Agak tegang laa sekejap masa tengah berbual tu. Semua pun atas sebab dan alasan yang kelakar dan tak masuk akal. I'm thinking of my family, and he keeps on thinking about money. So..senang cerita.. the earliest we can have only on July.

Banyak sangat la plan untuk 2010 ni. Orang nak kahwin (takmo clash date).. orang nak beranak..(especially those two friends of mine). So takde date yang sesuai. Plus my younger sister is getting married. So, nak kene pay attention kat dia juga.

But, I can't blame him for something naturally memang lelaki akan fikir. Though money cannot buy love, but money pays for my pelamin, baju, makeup, hantaran and all that. And his money will pay for everything. I can only plan. Money? hmm.. comes later perhaps. For me, when we have plans, baru la clear objective kita, right? So we can find some alternatives to realize the objective including to find the source of money. Tapi not for him (or every man). "Kalau takde duit, plan pun tak bleh nak buat k". So how?

Susah berbincang dengan lelaki ni rupanya.