Monday, December 28, 2009

First attempt!

Huhuhu..setelah lama berinspirasi.. mempersembahkan... my first attempt of making bunga telur!

Jangan salah paham haa.. nih saje suka2. Takde kene mengena dengan saya ataupun orang lain. Saja2 nak ada hobi baru. Have a good look... tak la cantik pun.. tapi untuk first timer... rasa ok la kot.. hahahha (masuk bakul angkat sendiri...sungguh tak senonoh).

Bunga stokin beb... sapa kata saya tak bleh buat? Ambik masa je nak siapkan...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Background Baru

Muka baru..!! saje gatai nak tukar background. Maklum laa... orang ade blog..awak nak ade blog jugak. Tapi keras cam batu..busuk2 pulak tu.

Dapat la gambar kasut ni. Comeyy.. suka3.. tapi rasa macam kasut tu lagi besar dari kaki.. dah ape kes?

Postpone lagi

Takde perasaan ke buat-buat takde perasaan?

Bila buat keputusan, mesti nak fikir orang sebelah menyebelah. Banyak sangat fikir sudahnya cakap kat Dya -

Me: Apa kata postpone
Dya: Kenape?
Me: Rasa macam taknak
Dya: Kenape?
Me: You pun tak ready lagi kan?
Dya: (senyap cam batu)

Agaknya dia pun pelik. Selalunya excited. Tetiba nak postpone. Banyak sebab nak postpone

1. March- my younger sister's engagement
2. Mei- Too soon
3. June- My cousin's wedding
4. July- dengar-dengar my sister's wedding will be before puasa
5. September- My sister's wedding (kalau dia buat masa ni) kalau tak buat masa ni pun, kesian kat my family yang baru nak bernafas lega selepas bertungkus lumus untuk my sister's wedding
6. October- Syazni's wedding

Entahlaa.. rasa give up. Lagipun, dah tak byk dah keje nak buat. Semua dah ade dalam plan. Ikut je. Yang buat letih tu bila dah plan tapi tak ikut.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


A friend forwarded this inspiring story through email. Just want to share with you the story and perhaps we can learn something from it.



This dog was born on Christmas Eve in the year 2002.He was born with 2 legs - He of course could not walk when he was born.

Even his mother did not want him.

His first owner also did not think that he could survive and he was thinking of 'putting him to sleep'.
But then, his present owner, Jude Stringfellow, met him and wanted to take care of him. She became determined to teach and train this little dog to walk by himself..
She named him 'Faith'.

In the beginning, she put Faith on a surfboard to let him feel the movement.
Later she used peanut butter on a spoon as a lure and reward
for him for standing up and jumping around.Even the other dog at home encouraged him to walk. Amazingly, only after 6 months, like a miracle, Faith learned to balance on his hind legs and to jump to move forward. After further training in the snow, he could now walk like a human being.

Faith loves to walk around now.

No matter where he goes, he attracts people to him.
He is fast becoming famous on the international scene and
has appeared on various newspapers and TV shows.
There is now a book entitled 'With a Little Faith' being published about him.
He was even considered to appear in one of Harry Potter movies.

His present owner Jude Stringfellew has given up her teaching post and plans to take him around the world to preach that even without a perfect body, one can have a perfect soul'.

In life there are always undesirable things, so in order to feel better
you just need to look at life from another direction.
I hope this message will bring fresh new ways of thinking to everyone
and that everyone will appreciate and be thankful for each beautiful day.
Faith is the continual demonstration of the strength and wonder of life.

A small request: All you are asked to do is keep this story circulating.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Pasal tarikh pun boleh bergaduh..

Have a long chat with my tut tutttt...(boipren kot..) about planning for our so called semi big day. Baru bincang tarikh dah rasa macam nak bergaduh. Tapi tu la orang kata, berkat kesabaran itu kunci kebahagiaan (cheewaah).

Macam mana boleh nak tercerita? Sebab mendapat nasihat dan observation. A friend booked a make-up artist at least 4 months before the event. Nakkan kepastian I read la satu blog make up artist ni. Mujur pun dia letak schedule dia. Mak aiihh... awal nye diorang book si make up artist ni. Majlis bulan Jun 2010, bulan nih dah booked dah. Gila awal...(dah rasa cam nak gila dah). Takkan se-awal tu nak kene book?

Agak tegang laa sekejap masa tengah berbual tu. Semua pun atas sebab dan alasan yang kelakar dan tak masuk akal. I'm thinking of my family, and he keeps on thinking about money. So..senang cerita.. the earliest we can have only on July.

Banyak sangat la plan untuk 2010 ni. Orang nak kahwin (takmo clash date).. orang nak beranak..(especially those two friends of mine). So takde date yang sesuai. Plus my younger sister is getting married. So, nak kene pay attention kat dia juga.

But, I can't blame him for something naturally memang lelaki akan fikir. Though money cannot buy love, but money pays for my pelamin, baju, makeup, hantaran and all that. And his money will pay for everything. I can only plan. Money? hmm.. comes later perhaps. For me, when we have plans, baru la clear objective kita, right? So we can find some alternatives to realize the objective including to find the source of money. Tapi not for him (or every man). "Kalau takde duit, plan pun tak bleh nak buat k". So how?

Susah berbincang dengan lelaki ni rupanya.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Penat..tapi best

Hari ni beraktiviti dengan sahabat handai. Sangat sayang dengan orang-orang ni. 2 mak buyung yang sentiasa dirai kan. Dari birthday, sampai dah kawin..nih nak beranak pulak. Aiyoyo... semua majlis pasal diorang. Anyway... great day!

We all pegi tengok movie. Tengok cerita Avatar. Sebelum keluar tu have a quick chat dengan Edat.
"Edat, kita nak tengok Avatar ke? Boleh ke mak-mak buyung tu tengok? Tak mengenan ke nanti?". Boleh mengenan ker? Takut la jugak sebab cerita Avatar tu muka cam cicak. Takut..... (takmo lah cakap...nanti Wani marah..hehehe)

Agak slow sebenarnya cerita Avatar tu. Untuk yang suka..suka la kot. But for me, cerita tu macam biasa je. Macam Star Trek pun ade. Bleh ke my mak buyung friend tido kat dalam tu. Maknanya...sangat la boring. I almost fall asleep too. Tapi tak la kan sebab nak tengokkan la juga.

Dah lepas tengok movie tu, layankan diorang juga lagi ke Cozy Corner kat G.E Mall. Pekena kuey tiaw plak. Sedap!! Lepas dinner, hantar mak-mak buyung balik, sambung lepak dengan Edat. Have a little chat about this and that. Walaupun letih berjalan.. tapi tak kisah laaa...

Tengah-tengah melepak tu, datang la seorang hamba Allah ni minta sumbangan. Dengan selambanya saya telah berkata sambil menghulur beberapa keping duit.. "abang doakan saya dapat kerja cepat eh.." ape motif pun tak tau. Pastu abang tu boleh plak berceramah ngan aku kan...

"Apa kata esok pagi-pagi lepas subuh, adik pegi kat mak ngan ayah, minta maaf minta diorang doakan supaya dilimpahkan dengan rezeki". Terdiam jugak la sekejap. Pastu abang tu pun pegi bawak cd2 dia. Bila fikir2 balik betul jugak cakap brother tu. Jarang sekali saya nak memintak maaf kat mak dan ayah. Nape ntah rasa awkward. Kecuali hari raya. InsyaAllah... rasa macam nak ikut nasihat brother ni. Sempena Maal Hijrah ni..elok la kalo kita buat-buat baik berubah sikit. Tak dapat banyak pun sikit2 boleh jadi banyak jugak.

Penat..tapi best..

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Heh.. dah nak sminggu tak update. Banyak nya nak kena cerita

Firstly, nak cerita pasal pegi interview RHB. As expected, memang la ade assessment tu. So far assessment tu memang macam siot la kan. Rasa nak pecah kepala. Dah la orang yang first sampai. Bukan main semangat lagi.

There were 8 of us sitting for the assessment and interview. Sorang je laki yang lain semua perempuan. We were divided into two groups. My group was sitting for calculation test first and the other group was sitting for English test la lebih kurang. The first group will be interviewed first. So while waiting, my group have to sit for the english test. Bleh pulak perempuan2 tu bergelak ketawa kat dalam assessment room tu kan. Nak jugak la rasa sound.."never been to a test or exam before?". Can't you just respect other people who is trying to answer a confusing sheet? Knowing me, i'm easily distracted by noises. So i have to read again and again. I took 5 minutes to answer 1 section. ade 7 sections..and only given 20 minutes to complete the paper. Huuaahh.. tak ke rasa macam nak sound minah-minah tu. Tapi saya masih bersabar.

Entering the panel room, ade 3 orang yang interview. One is marketing manager, transaction banking manager and HR manager. Luckily, they didn't ask much. Only just nak tengok kita bercakap je kot. Rather than offering Transaction Banking Executive, they offered marketing executive. Hmm.. bleh je la kan. Lagi pun it's not that i can't do it.

It was a disastrous day ever. Dah la lupa bawak application form, masa nak leave interview room tu pulak, tertinggal file atas meja... nak mengharukan lagi keadaan, tiket parking pulak hilang. Haiiyaaa... tak pasal kene bayar rm10. Nasib baik la rm10 je..kalo rm100? Entah apesal ntah yang clumsy sangat.

Settle juga akhirnya interview dengan RHB. Tak sabar-sabar nak cerita dengan Dya. Terus call ajak lepak minum. Tapi demam pulak. Hantar la pulak kawan ni pergi klinik. Sian...semput pulak. Pergi amik gas. 2 jam tau tunggu. Lama gile. Siap dah tido-tido kat dalam kereta. While waiting for him, received call from ASTRO suruh datang interview. Alhamdulillah..rezeki nak datang dekat dah ni. Set on today (Wednesday) at 10am.

Interview dengan ASTRO lah yang paling susah. Rasa macam tak dapat je ASTRO ni. Macam-macam soalan dia tanya. Almost 1 hour dia interview. Sampai dah tak tau nak jawab ape. But actually i found that working with ASTRO can be very fun and enjoy because rasa macam they all tak stress je. Semua muka happy and pleasant. Culture shock kejap bila tengok their staffs wearing jeans and t-shirt instead of formal attire. Mungkinkah best ataupun tak? Macam main-main je kerja.

So, hopefully i get either one of this job. Rasa dah nak jadi ais batu dah duk kat rumah. Dah tak tau nak buat apa. Parents pun dah menyampah dah agaknya tengok anak jadi penganggur. Haihh.. nak buat cemana?

Ouh.. Last Friday went out watching Zombieland. Sangat best! Recommended to those yang sangat stress dengan kerja. Gelak pecah perut. Its about four people fighting to stay alive in the world full of zombies. Tapi peliknya yang 4 orang ni semuanya sengal-sengal belaka. Cemana la orang macam tu boleh stay hidup lagi? Kalau gagah perkasa ade la jugak logicnye. aiyaaa... go and watch la. Learn how to stay alive!

Monday, December 14, 2009

IQ Test

Dengar-dengarnye test esok ade IQ test. For preparation, try-try la buat IQ test available online.

Ada this one webpage offer free IQ test. So amik la test tu. 40 questions.. berjaya jawab 15. Question 16 dan seterusnya...... takmo buat sebab rasa nak muntah tengok soalan dia.

Antara soalannye:

Eg. 1: Mary, who is sixteen years old, is four times as old as her brother. How old will Mary be when she is twice as old as her brother?

Eg. 2: Ralph likes 25 but not 24; he likes 400 but not 300; he likes 144 but not 145. Which does he like:

WEErrghhh...rasanya esok cam tak bleh je nak buat...hmmm...

Friday, December 11, 2009


Alahamdulillah..result dah keluar. I am pre-officially graduates of B.A. Monasafreeza Mohd Kassim. Perrghh.. lama sungguh rasa belajar. The time has come for me to find a career. I like working! (ye kee???)

Celebration oh celebration. Semalam baru tau result, hari ni dapat call from RHB offering an interview on next Tuesday. Alhamdulillah....double celebration! Harap-harap dapat la RHB ni. Though I always wanted something other than banking line, tapi..tak boleh nak lari dah. That's the reason why i pursue my degree in work in finance line!

Sangat teruja sampai tak sabar-sabar nak share kegembiraan dengan semua orang. Baru dapat interview. Belum tentu dapat kerja tu lagi. They have test (assessment). Math lah (terus teringat dekat Edat), finance lah, IQ test lah (ingat kat Edat lagi). Need to be well prepared for that. Habis semua buku-buku finance keluar. Need to start immediately! Dear all, do pray for me.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Couples Retreat

Couples Retreat ... just 3 words.... hilarious adult jokes!

Love it. For those who think that therapy is the only way to save a relationship ... forget therapy and watch this LOL funny movie. It's about 4 couples stuck in a therapy vacation (i didn't know if this kind of vacation ever exist). After you watch this...seriously, you will find therapy is nonsense. Vacation is all you need!

Warning!! Don't watch with your kids, people! hahaah...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


werggghh..bad mood nye saya. Rasa tak sabar-sabar nak tunggu hari esok untuk kembali kepada normal mode.

Bila datang mood yang kurang baik macam ni, semua masalah-masalah yang tak pernah selesai datang balik. Fikir dan fikir. Macam-macam ada dalam otak ni. Pening.. migraine semua datang.

Tapi takpe lah. Nasib baik ada pengubat mood yang tak baik ni. Jeng...jeng..jeng...

Hadiah dari ayahanda terchenta... sangat cumel but still curious.. angin takde..ribut lagi tidak.. tiba2 je nak kasi. Hmm.. mesti dia dpt diskaun. Terus mood saya berubah bila melihat kucing ini. I call her..... TOMEI? wahahha... sangat materialistik!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Review Natrah

Haa.. mesti la pergi tengok Natrah tadi. Fuh.. standing applause to Natrah by Erma Fatima. Two thumbs up!

Cuma yang mula-mula masa Sofea Jane masuk tu je yang sangat lambat sebab cakap-cakap dia tu panjang sangat. But i could not imagine how they can memorize the script. Sangat panjang dan berjela-jela. If i were in their shoes, serious banyak lupa. Silap2 postpone sampai next year sebab take a long time to memorize semua perkataan-perkataan yang ada dalam script tu.

Anyway.. bravo Natrah! Well was awesome! I definitely will watch Erma Fatima's later projectsss (if any)!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tiring yet interesting day

Tiring yet interesting day.

Woke up early and prepared! Konon-konon ada temuduga terbuka at Central Market. Sebenarnye ada orang yang suruh. Disebabkan tak pernah pergi open interview, so kitorang pun pergi la just for the sake of experiencing the open interview and orang yang suruh.

So, went there with Dhiya at 2pm. Turun je dari kereta terus tersentap. Please do imagine these... ada four booth at each side of the building (outside ye..bukan inside). There's a stage with PA system at the left side of the building. Kedengaran lagu-lagu yang sangat rancak di tengah panas matahari terik. So my friend and i walked towards each of the booth. Suddenly this one guy approached.. "Akak cari kerja ke? Fresh grad ke? Course ape? Kita nak offer keje kat sini..". We told him our qualifications then we asked about the job they are offering. "Kita offer training sebagai Customer Service Call Center Executive". "Ouh.. takpelah".. so we left. NOT INTERESTED!! Then we walked to the other side's booth. Huhh..lagi lah. "KREW McDonald. RM7 sejam". OMG! Biar betul. We both laughed like we saw a clown standing making jokes.

Unfortunately, tak terfikir pulak nak take a picture so that you all can picture the situation. I swear i will never ever go to Open Interview again. Saya tertipu!!

Long day! Sangat penat so, balik rumah tertido atas kerusi je. Then, my friends call ajak lepak makan. Their treat because they promise to treat a dinner during my birthday hari tu. Huh.. NZ je. Menu harian... char kuey tiaw and tauhu bakar (great combination...yet keep on thinking bila la nak boring dgn menu harian ni). Dah lama jugak tak jumpa these guys. So, banyak la cerita yang terkeluar.

Tiba-tiba je sedih sebab this friend of mine, he told us his heart-broken story that happened to him in the past 2 months.

He met a girl that he thought is his soul mate. He thought she is the right person. They planned to get married. Dah beli barang hantaran, dah pegi kursus kahwin. Things went well until the day he thought it's time to discuss on the akad date. What happened next, i don't know. Hari khamis next week baru sambung..(tunggguuuu...). But the point is.. he's heart-broken. He's so much in love and suddenly it's ended just a snap! "Dah takde jodoh la, Ja. Nak buat macam mane" he said. I make jokes of him very often...each time when we met. But today.. I think it's kinda rude to make a joke on that.

I was touched by his story. He is a nice person. I knew them very well since 10 years ago. This two guys are my best boy-friends. Good companion. Besides my dwarfs friends and Umie.. i have them.

Sebelum balik.. tiba-tiba dia cakap."sebelum ko balik, aku nak cakap.... kau pasti ke dengan apa yang kau buat sekarang?". I was stunt! Unspoken. Like i've been slapped right on my forehead. Something that i should think about today. But it is too scary. This is not the time to think about something like that. Even that i have to.

Tiring yet interesting day.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

New Project!

I like interior design. So, i move my furniture a lot. Hari ni ber-inspirasi. Nak redesign bilik tidurku yang semakin hari semakin rasa macam dah tak bleh tido dah kat situ (alasan je sebenarnye..).

Picked some ideas from various websites. Love to paint my wall with beige-brown color. Cat dah beli. He He He.. here are some bedroom design pictures buat contoh.

The wall color should synchronize with the floor. That's why i chose beige color sebab nak synchronize kan dengan parquet floor ni plus my room is small so need bright color to make it look bigger. i wish my room is as big as in the pictures.

Punye la berkobar-kobar nak buat projek ni..siap buat 3D. Nice application. Download-able at . Tapikan.. kalau ade application yang lebih menarik, tolong la kasi tau. hehehe..

Relationship status changed!

Tiba-tiba rasa macam nak tukar status kat facebook hari ni. Boring eh?..

Status changed to: In Relationship
with...: teeeettttttttttt

gatai! tapi orang yang dinamakan 'teeeettttttttttt' tu tak tau pun.. hua hua hua...

Blasah je

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

To whom it may concern

i have been trying out many things to keep a friendship and yet i felt it doesn't seems to be right at all. Bila fikir-fikir balik.. rasa macam sampah je nak terhegeh-hegeh membetulkan keadaan while the other side doesn't seems to care.

Dear to whom it may concern,
I maybe have disagreement with you but that doesn't mean that i hate you. What i really hate is the denial that I do exist. If you think that what you did is not a big deal to you, well it is to me. It's not that I'm being away from you guys... but I'm afraid that have something to do with things that you didn't notice that i knew it all along.

It's a direct shout out and I'm sorry. But after all I did to save it, nothing really happening. So many things that i kept and i just couldn't help saving it to myself. So, these are the things that i should say, so that you would understand the causes of my behavior.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Forgive and Forget

Forgive and forget.. can i forgive? will i forget? or maybe i will forgive but not forget? Maybe i forget to forgive. or did i forget that it was forgiven... ?:| ..huh? willing oneself to forget what cannot otherwise be forgiven (tibe-tibe..)...forgot password to forgive kot.