Monday, November 30, 2009

Can I be Good?

Question: If you're going to get married, what do you really look at your future husband?

1. money?
2. similarities?
3. differences?
4. looks?
5. honesty?

As I discussed about this issue to him, i realized that we both have no similarities and very many differences appeared. He asked if i can be a good wife. I don't have an answer. But if he read this, I wanted to say:

"I'm not an angel. I do mistakes and i do forget things. I can't promise perfection. But i can
promise my truly honesty and responsibility. And i do expect nothing except for you to be
the same"

Sunday, November 29, 2009

What a blast....

Eat a lot of cholesterol food today. Raya Korban kan. Sup (oily!).. seafood at William. (very-very not recommended to those with cholesterol problem). Hanged-out with the girls which a friend called it as Malam 4M (Malam Minggu Muda Mudi... jgn tanya la kenapa).

Syazni lend me a new book! (Thank you, dear). From Little Black Book. Girlfriend Curse. Synopsis... very much alike to Good Luck Chuck tapi perempuan. Nanti review..tungguu. Rasa macam budak sekolah je baca buku Little Black Book ni.

To-Do Activities.....
1. Tomorrow's plan.......SSHHOOPPIINNGGG!!!!! (warehouse sale kat Atria, Damansara).
2. Going to watch Natrah next week. Can't wait.
3. IKEA shopping day... on Monday!

Banyaknya.. boleh buat ka ini?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

New Moon! New Moon!

Watched New Moon last night with ehem..ehem.. (katanya "jasad i je tau yang ada kat sini..). It means he doesn't like it. Well..i know. Chick-flicks totally not for men. Bayangkan laa.. movie blum start ada this man siap menguap..sabar je la.

After reading it, the movie seems to be less interesting due to the need to compress a 562 pages novel into 2 hours movie. It's hard. Banyak la yang lompat-lompat. Kalau dia masukkan banyak sikit scene and make it 3 hours movie, it should be nice. So i gave 3.5 star to the movie. Yet, still love Edward Cullen's character. Hehehe..

My suggestion.. if you have read the book, no need to go to the movie. Or..beli je lah DVD bila dia keluar nanti.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Raya Korban dan Kesedaran

Selamat Hari Raya everyone!

Sangat penat. Tak tau la nape orang ramai pulak raya tahun ni. Raya Aidilfitri pun tak ramai macam ni. Tapi best juga. Baru la raya..meriah!

As usual, my mom will cook many delicious dishes. Special menu....NASI DAGANG (Perak-ian made haa..bkn Terengganu)! Side dishes macam biasa, ketupat, nasi impit, rendang, cucur udang special. I ate a lot it makes my tummy grew big! Macam nak meletup.

Tiba-tiba soalan2 pelik timbul out of nowhere... will this tradition (org surau datang takbir raya and makan2 thinggy) long lasting? Will i and my generation continue this tradition in the future? How Raya will look like in the future? Of course i wanted this to be long lasting. But who will cook? Me? For 50pax? Kena belajar dari sifu (momma) ni.

Sampai satu masa, kita sedar bahawasanya umur kita dah semakin meningkat. Our parent sooner or later will get older and dah tentu tak larat nak buat kerja2 berat. How i love my mother and father very much. And i want to appreciate each of our time together before we realize, it is too late. Each of their sacrifices made for us (the children) were undivided..dan mampukah kita membalas budi mereka yang sangat banyak tu?

To my mom and dad, i love you both so much until my last breath..undivided! You both are my soul, my strength, my colors, my everything. You both deserve a big standing applause, love and every lovely thing that the world could offer. Thank you for everything, the guidance and the love, especially for being the greatest inside my heart and my life. MUUaahhhxx!!

Carcar Marba (unemployed activities and New Moon!)

Well..Well. How nice it is to finish up studies and starting to find first job. It has been three weeks now since my last research presentation. I have been applying many jobs since. But not yet get any attention. There are couples of companies highlight me as ‘UNDER CONSIDERATION’. Yet, there still no response in any way.

In case if anyone asks... What I’ve been doing during my unemployment? Well, these are the activities:

1. Breakfast at 10am

2. Watching tv since then

3. Facebook-ing

4. Lunch at 2pm

5. Job hunting (Jobstreet, Jenjobs, JobsMalaysia, JobsDB, etc..etc

6. Dinner

7. Watching movies (but not every night)

8. Supper

9. Email checking…facebooking..again

10. Sleeping

Well at least these are part of my daily routine. Ouh anyway, just finish reading New Moon. Hope the movie will be as good as the book. I’m sooooo into Edward Cullen. But I don’t think that I’m soooooo Bella to deserve somebody like Edward Cullen. Perhaps, there will be no other Bella in this modern world.

Going to watch New Moon tomorrow! Yahooo!!!! Wait for the review, guys!