Monday, December 20, 2010

fening2 lalat..

Haa? Dah 20hb? hmm..dah boleh dah kalo nak kelam kabut.

Rasanye macam dah tak cukup masa dah nak buat preparation. blasah la apa yang ada je. nak pilih2 ni pening. aku mana la reti nak pilih2 ni. Andai kata ada orang nak complaint masa hari wedding tu nanti... meh makcik jawab..


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Status Update!

Waahh..sudah bertunang. Perangai elok2 skit k. Jangan tu jangan ni jangan buat tu jangan buat ni jangan begitu jangan begini... haihh.. duk hutan pun okay gak kan?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Demam oh demam.

Demam dah 3 hari. Cam tak rupa nak baik je lagik. Suara dah cam Doraemon minum todi (konon2 serak nyaring ntah cemana ntah). Nak marah pun orang tak takut. Weerrgghh...tensi!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ye Ye O!

Perbualan waktu pagi2 pukul 6.30pagi kat telefon..(whyyyy???)

boifren: I nak diet lah. Nak kurus. Nak jogging lah.
me: Ye ke you ni? I tak sampai hati nak tengok u tak makan. takyah laa..
boifren: Tak boleh la macam kene la support i.
me: okay

Pukul 9pagi (call balik):

me: buat ape?
boifren: baru balik tadi pegi 7e
me: you jogging sampai 7e? (terkejut gile!)
boifren: taklah i naik kereta.
me: you dah breakfast?
boifren: dah..i makan kat kedai sebelah 7e tu. roti canai, nasi lemak, roti boom..bla..bla..bla
me: jogging tak?
boifren: Tak!
me: woi! jogging laaa!!! kata nak kurus!!

kesimpulan: Kadang-kadang bukan salah gelfren yang tak support... masalahnye gelfren kenal sgt boifren tu..cakap je lebey.... hmm..hampeh

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Buta Kaler?

Laa..ingatkan kalau ikut je cakap orang..keje jadi senang.
Rupenye lagi pening.

Sorang nak purple, sorang nak peach.
saye cakap.. "campur kan je purple peach tu. HAhaha.."

Mesti la kena marah. Match sangat ke color camtu?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Boring la dah ni

Bila boring, mula la fikir bukan-bukan.
Rupe-rupenya banyaknye nak kene fikir.
Fikir punya fikir, benda tak jalan pun.
Tunggu punya tunggu, takda sapa pun nak tolong.
Bila buat sendiri semua, orang lain pandai je nak komen.
Komen pandai, tolong taknak. Senyap2 dah la.



werrgghh.. busy macam haram!

Tiba2 nak kawen dah. Rasa macam bingai jap. macam mimpi pun ye. Macam ye tak ye. Tapi ye ke?

Pilihan hati ibuku... (hatiku jua..wa cayang lu weh..).

Ada orang tu.. dah berkecil hati. (Mak mintak maaf noks. Mak dah luke kan perasaan mu. Mak tak sengaja. Tapi hati dan perasaan tak bleh dipaksa2). Tapi bukan jodoh kami.

Mulai hari ini, aku try lah update hari2. Kalau ade cerita best lah. Buat masa skarang macam ade jugak.. tapi ade sikit malas malam ni. Takde mood nak story morry sebab hati ada susah..otak berkecamuk (waaiiichehhh...). Nanti bila saya rajin..saya tulis panjang2 k. Buat masa skarang, pi lah browse blog lain.

Aku pun nak pi skodeng blog lain jugak. Adioss..amigos.. good nite!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm Alive!

Oh dear! Dah naik sawang2. Lama tak log in.

Updates on my new job: It's just dem great! I fell in love with my job. Though it is not as what i expected but still...i love it! (for now laaa kan of course). So, disebabkan terlalu berchenta dengan kerja.. i almost give up my fun, entertaining colorful night life. Waaahhh.. habis laaa.

Nothing much to tell here lately. So, i stopped blogging because i've been very busy the whole 2 months.

But still sangat rasa bersalah with all my BFF out there. Really i have no time to chill out. Especially to Syazni which i think have already give up on me...(hehehe..sorry eh Syazni). I promise I will make it up to you. She's getting married everyone! Hoorayyy!! So.. i'm the bridesmaid. So much to do as a bridesmaid. Dinasihatkan supaya tidak mengambil saya sebagai bridesmaid sebab saya sangat 'menteri'. It's a challenge though. Time management challenge.. (disebabkan ini, saya bekerja di hari Sabtu).

Anyway, the world cup is here. I liiikkeee.. my team..of course.. FRANCE & PORTUGAL! Tapi, tak pernah nye yang sempat nak tengok bola ni.

So..that's all for now (i think). Will update when i have something great to share! nite2!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Percy Jackson- The lightning Thief

Babe, tadi saya pegi tengok Percy Jackson. Sapa-sapa yang suka fiction, mungkin diorang akan kata best, tapi saya rasa macam biasa je. Tak la kata best sangat. Jalan ceritanya sangat biasa. Memang takde pengajaran pun cerita ni. Overall, 3 stars la kasi...

Tapi orang kata, kalau tak tengok sendiri, tak tau kan? So, pergi la tengok kalau rasa nak pegi. Tapi dinasihatkan.... JANGAN NYESAL CIK SALMAH..(style Sarip Dol)

Monday, February 22, 2010

berita baik dari telefon!

Percakapan telefon berikut berlaku hari ni:

Bakal Bos: Ini Jaja ke? (tak commercial kan nama aku kat opis?)
Saya: Iye
Bakal Bos: Kenal tak? (ade ke camni?)
Saya: Tak. Sape ni?
Bakal Bos: Selmah (bukan nama sebenar) dari PruBSN.
Saya: Oh.. Yes Pn. Selmah (konon2 polite..lebih kepada poyo)
Bakal Bos: Puan? Takyah panggil Puan lah
Saya: Eik. Pulak..
Bakal Bos: Boleh start keje tak on 1st March?
Saya: Eih.. of course boleh!!
Bakal Bos: Ok. I kasi you pegi jalan puas-puas dulu. Nanti hari Isnin datang kerja..k?(saya sungguh confuse dengan ayat ini. Mungkin ke saya dah tak bleh pegi jalan kemudian hari?)
Saya: Baiklahhh.. saya akan berjalan bersungguh-sungguh! (dgn penuh semangat!!)

p/s: kesimpulannye... saye dah dapat kerja! yahuuu!!! SLAMAT TINGGAL DUNIA PENGANGGURAN!! hahaha...

weekend getaway story

Lama-lama bersawanglah blog nih. Tapi memang la..sebab takde apa nak cerita. Kumpul seminggu punya cerita. hehe..bleh camtu?

Anyway, last Saturday Dhiya and I had a quick weekend getaway to Genting Highland. Saja jalan-jalan sambil hantar Anip Sebastian balik. Now that Dhiya and I are friends, that doesn't mean that we cannot go out together. Perhaps, that getaway can heal the relationship. Who knows?

While Dhiya went for solat, I sat on a bench near Eatery in front of the surau. There was a Chinese guy sitting next to me. Dia nampak sangat resah tak keruan. Tiba-tiba dia tegur:

Chinese guy: Amoi, boleh kasi pinjam lu punya handphone tak?
(tak ke aku ni macam terkejut. Rupanya dia macam kookoo sikit). So I lent him my phone and he made a call. Tak lama lepas tu Dhiya pun datang. Aku cakap la aku nak blah dah to that Chinese guy. Then dia mintak nak buat lagi satu call. Rupenye nak call mak dia. Siap explained k..

Chinese Guy: Saya sudah abis wang main game (gamble) tak ada duit mau telefon. Saya mau telefon mak suruh dia mari angkat saya.

Dhiya pun kasi la syiling sikit kot-kot dia nak buat call lepas tu. Kesian pulak kan.

Lepas tu banyak la kan kitorang punya assumption. I assumed maybe dia kena tipu. Dhiya punya assumption pulak mungkin orang kesian kat dia pastu kasi dia menang. Tapi tak sedar diri judi lagi. Pastuh kalah teruk.

Haihh.. ade pulak macam tu.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Hobi baru lagi..

Sudahnya..dah malas nak mengharap nasi lemak malis. Sungguh mengecewakan.

Lately ni macam tak bersemangat nak buat ape2. Tapi ade hobi baru.. wahhh.. BOWLING!
Padahal orang lain dah lama dah duk suka main bowling, saya baru nak berjinak.

Pesen pulak tu taknak main bowling sebab tak reti main. Bila dah pegi, dah try, tengok orang sebelah menyebelah. Pastu cakap kat diri sendiri.. "hek elehh.. aku lagi terer". GILE POYO! hahaha..

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Oh Nasi Lemak!!

Masuk ari ni (Rabu) dah tiga hari saya berulang alik menanti nasi lemak Mali kat Taman Bunga Raya tu. Tapi balik hampa. Jadi, sampai sekarang belum lagi dapat. Dah nak hangin dah rasa nye. Esok kita try lagi. Saya takkan berputus asa... Nasi lemak punya pasal!

Tak pernah rasa kempunan nak makan nasi lemak Malis. Bila cari takde.. bila tak cari ade je la pulak.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Batu ka?

Agak pelik tapi tak berapa jelik..

Agak pathetic bila lepak sorang-sorang kat Spicy Hartamas yang ramai orang tu. Tengok kiri..tengok kanan. Semua duk sembang-sembang laju. Sampai kat aku, duduk diam-diam cam batu.

"Mana abang?" tanya mamak kerja Spicy tu
"Blum datang lagi?" saya terus senyap. Senyum je laa.

Tak boleh dah lepak sini.. PANGKAH!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Putus Chenta

Long chat with Hana. About everything, life, partner, work (obviously not about me).

I keep thinking that, if I keep on doing this (terperuk kat umah) nothing will actually change. My life become miserable, i have nothing to do, no work to keep me busy. haihh.. i can't wait to start working.

So, with every will that i have inside me, i promise to keep myself busy. I will find something interesting to do. I can watch movies on my own. No matter how pathetic it will sound, i don't care. I need to get myself ready for a new life. Yes! This is it! I will change my whole life! (dengan semangatnye).

p/s: I changed my perspective of love. We got lots more to come. These are just part of it. Be prepared to face the worst.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tangkap Leleh

Mementang tengah sedih kan... Nak dengar lagu-lagu yang tangkap leleh je. Benci-benci-benci!!

1. I'm Sorry-Goodbye (Kris Dayanti)
2. If you want Me (Once Soundtrack) (sape ntah minah ni)
3. Luluh (samson)
4. Pergi (Aizat)
5. 25 Minutes (Micheal learn to rock)

Inilah lagu-lagu yang tengah dengar sekarang ni. Repeatedly. Sedih..sedih.

p/s: When you love someone, let him free. If you have to stalk him, he probably not yours in the first place - Mary Horowitz, All About Steve movie-. (damn correct!)... then i set you free..

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy birthday dear Boyfriend


I had great evening. Lovely dinner with birthday boy. Konon-konon nak seronok-seronok celebrate birthday dekat TGI Friday, The Curve. Pastu kene marah sebab membiarkan orang2 TGI Fridays singing birthday song out loud. Dia kata humiliation. I said, that was FUN! He was suppose to sing a song to me (requested by TGIF's guy). Ye lah, boyfriend saya ni pemalu orangnye..(konon). Stage fright la konon. Tak tau nak nyanyi apa. Terkedu sampai dah balik baru nyanyi. Well..anyway, it was fun though.

I had Fried Mac & Cheese for appetizer and Tuscan Chicken Melt for the main. Sepatutnye sedap. Tapi sebab dah makan Fried Mac & Cheese tu, dah jadi kenyang. Plus, tak makan apa-apa sebelum keluar tadi. So, perut pun dah masuk angin.

Lepas tu, watched movie. Disebabkan birthday boy request nak tengok Universal Soldier (obviously not my choice), jadi, saya layankan. Sangat ganas! Main potong-potong orang je keje. It's a good movie though (for those who prefer stressful-action movie). Takde gelak-gelak punya. Straight and stress (i shut my eyes and ears couple of times). Overall... i give it 3.5 stars (sbb saya kurang gemar cerita ganas).

Happy 28th Birthday, Dhiya Aizat. I'm sorry for the 'humiliation' (I still rasa it was not humiliation). May Allah bless you with happiness, love and laugh, good health and wealth (hehe..). Love you!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Error Code 19..

Werrgghh.. malam tadi tido pukul 5 pagi mengerjakan DVDRam yang rosak. Dia tak bleh detect pulak. Jadi sekarang..sangat mengantuk tahap tak bleh angkat dah mata ni.

Tapi kagum tak saye telah menyelesaikan masalah itu sendiri. Disebabkan terlalu rindu nak tengok Seven Pounds..(great movie indeed).. saya telah berusaha sedaya upaya untuk membetulkannya (itu la kerja orang yang tak bekerja).

So..after all the researches, came out with a solution. Meh nak share..

1. Start Menu-> type kat Start searh --> regedit
2. Dekat Regedit tu try to find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
3. Delete UpperFilter/LowerFilter (Kill value diorang panggil) (i don't really know the term actually).
4. Reboot your PC

it works for my laptop.

And then I have tried to reinstall back my DVDRam. Sebab ade error code 19. To fix this, i just simply uninstall DVD/CDRom in Device Manager, and then reboot. The system will detect the device automatically.

p/s: saya bukan pakar komputer, jadi, kalau saya boleh buat ni, anda juga mampu mengubahnya (style iklan kerajaan)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Saya Tertipu..

I was kinda slow last night. So..ape2 je yang diorang sembang macam tak faham sangat.

Like usual.. saye la orang yang paling lambat sampai. Bila sampai tu nampak Ana baca buku..

Me: Ana napa baca buku?
Hana: Ana ada exam la esok. (tiba-tiba je nak menyampuk tau Hana ni)
Ana: Ha ah..aku ade exam.

So.. that conversation stopped there while the others continue laughing for whatever reason they might have.
15 minit lepas tu..macam curious jugak kenapa Ana baca buku..

Me: Ana..esok ko ade exam ape?
Semua orang: gelak tak ingat dunia macam nak pecah Penang Village tu. Nasib baik takde orang

Ana: Jaja.. diorang tipu la. Mana ada exam..

Hana tunjuk buku tu sambil gelak2. INDONESIA.

Padan la diorang gelak. Ana nak exam apa baca buku pasal INDONESIA? Rupanya ceritanya Mazlin saja nak tunjuk buku pasal Indonesia to show us those places she went during her 22 days(if i'm not mistaken) vacation. SengaL!

Penang Village

Semalam buat makan2 (surprise birthday dinner) untuk Wanie (birthday dia sebenarnye 27 Disember.. lambat sebulan..nasib baik tak kene amuk..). Buat kat Penang Village. Tempatnye sangat selesa and cantik. Seriously..tapi tak tau la kenape tak ramai orang. Maybe takde promotion kot. Sangat suke......

Will upload photos which i will import from Hana's (sebab lupe bawak camera). Tungguuu...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Kenapa Blogging tak sesuai Untuk orang2 berusia..

Kenape blogging tak sesuai untuk uncle2 yang berusia kat Malaysia..

1. sebab diorang akan menyebabkan perkelahian yang tak senonoh
2. boleh menyebabkan rusuhan
3. diorang menaip ikut perasaan
4. diorang menaip bila diorang tengah marah je
5. diorang menaip ikut sedap tangan

tak suke political blogger sebab diorang suke bakar line.... i fed up!

A Good Friend or a Best Friend

Found this while i was browsing for something else. Just wanted to share it with you all..
A good friend will comfort you when he rejects you. A best friend will go up and ask him, "It's because you're gay, isn't it?"

A good friend will be there for you when he breaks up with you. A best friend will call him up and whisper, "Seven days..."

A good friend helps you up when you fall. A best friend keeps on walking saying, "Walk much, dumb ass?"

A good friend helps you find your prince. A best friend kidnaps him and brings him to you.

A good friend will ask you if you're okay when you're crying. A best friend will laugh at you and say, "Ha Ha, Loser!"

A good friend will offer you a soda. A best friend will dump theirs on you.

A good friend will sit at the side of the pool with you at that time of the month. A best friend will throw you a tampon and push you in.

A good friend gives you their umbrella in the rain. A best friend takes yours and says, "Run - beep - run!"

A good friend will help you move. A best friend will help you move the bodies.

A good friend will bail you out of jail. A best friend would be in the room next to you saying, "That was awesome! Let's do it again!"

A good friend has never seen you cry. A best friend won't tell anyone else that you cried...just laugh about it in private with you when you aren't down anymore.

A good friend asks you to write down your number. A best friend has you on speed dial.

A good friend will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing. A best friend will kick the whole crowds ass that left you.

A good friend knows a few things about you. A best friend could write a very embarrassing biography on your life story.

A good friend tells you she knows how you feel. A best friend just sits down and cries.

A good friend will ask you why you are crying. A best friend is someone who wont say anything when you cry for no reason, but will start sobbing too, just help you cry.

A good friend will help you learn to drive. A best friend will help you roll the car into the lake so you can collect insurance.

A good friend will watch your pets when I go away. A best friend won't let you go away.

A good friend will go to a concert with you. A best friend will kidnap the band with you.

A good friend will hide you from the cops. A best friend is probably the reason they are after you in the first place.

-adapted from Kareer Woman

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year, New Reso,

Lama tak update. Banyak betul kerja yang nak dibuat (walaupun currently menganggur). Dari pagi bawak ke petang, bawak ke malam..ade je la aktivitinye.

Hope it is not too late to wish everyone a Happy New Year. So what is your new resolution this year?

Mine will be.... of course... to fulfill my last year's resos yang tak pernah walaupun selangkah untuk dibuat. So, far ade la perubahan walaupun tak banyak. Better late than never kann...

Banyaknye tahun ni punya plan. Need to get serious this time (bukan la kata selama ni tak serious tapi nak lebih..lebih...dan lebih serious). This year nak kene plan for my sister's engagement and wedding, my engagement (insyaAllah) will be on November. Lambat sangat lagi. Btul la tu. Tapi kalo dah sibuk buat benda lain untuk orang lain... karang terlupa pulak yang tu.

Isk..isk..iskk.... tiba-tiba teringat.....lamanya tak shopping. Tahun baru... nak la ade kasut baru, baju baru, beg baru. hehehe... (tunggu dapat kerja baru bleh?).